The DNDPRICES Companion software offers automatic analysis of any item in Dark and Darker, along with an overlay that displays the calculated market price of items while you play. It performs Price Checks for items with additional rolls and shows the current base market price for crafting items, quest items, and more. You can obtain the companion here.
Example of a Price Check with the Companion:
The overlay shows the predicted price for your specific item, the lowest price for all items with the same rarity and an estimated demand score:
How It Works:
After pressing a hotkey, the software uses image recognition to extract the item you are currently viewing in-game. It then provides a detailed analysis in the software’s user interface. The final estimated market price is displayed in the top right corner of your screen while playing. You can customize the hotkey and overlay in the settings which also includes new features.
The companion has three sections:
Item Info:
Displays all the base rolls and additional rolls of the current item.
Rolls Ranked:
Shows the lowest median price for all possible item rolls. This calculation is based on items with the same rarity and base stats as your item from the last days marketplace prices.
For example, if you want to price check a pair of Epic Lightfoot Boots, it will find all Epic Lightfoot Boots from the last days and show you how they are usually priced on the lower end by players when they have additional rolls like Move Speed, Strength, Armor Rating, etc.
It uses the lowest median price calculations to avoid the influence of overpriced or underpriced items, helping you understand the actual value for individual rolls of an item.
Price Check:
Prices for weapons, armor, and accessories are heavily influenced by their individual rolls and the value of those rolls, requiring a more detailed approach.
For example, let’s take Epic Lightfoot Boots with the following additional rolls:
+5 Additional Move Speed
+1 Dexterity
+12.8% Magical Interaction Speed
The software calculates the lowest weighted median price for each roll by searching the database for all Epic Lightfoot Boots with Additional Move Speed and determining how items with similar values (e.g., +5) usually affect the price.
Next, it analyses all combination of rolls and notes how they affect the price as well.
The Companion uses machine learning to fine-tune the price further, resulting in a reliable selling price for your specific item on the marketplace.
Lastly, it shows an estimated demand score from 0 to 10, indicating how long items with the same rarity typically stay on the market. Items with higher scores are more popular and sell faster.
So in our example the Price Check would look like this:
+5 Additional Move Speed = 915g
+1 Dexterity = 170g
+12.8 Magical Interaction Speed = 190g
Estimated Demand: 9.6/10
Price Check = 980g
To get started, click here.